The Story of Stuff
I found this awhile ago - please watch if you have the time.
a step by step tutorial on how we consume and the results of such...this is the first of a series of 7 videos posted on YouTube
(culmination of all videos totals a little over 20 minutes)
a nice and gentle slap in the face
(includes some nice bits on adjusting one's ways to live better)
...check out No. 5 especially
{you can also watch the full length here}
american dream,
humility followed by illuminaty
a friend just helped me realize something i had forgotten: It is always easier to dissuade the masses by feeding them (-) scandal, than to hip them towards (+) positive change.
People love to getting the dirt on something and gossiping about it; and it's infectious.
I fell in to the same trap yesterday with my "oPINionated" post.
guilty and silly shan't happen again...

this website is dope, it's fun and it's right.
They sell mostly office supplies and only deliver in the UK (for now) all of which are constructed from recycled plastics and such.
Here's their site and if you have a second, their Environmental Policy is pretty fresh.
Remarkable gets the Gold Star for today!
(p.s. i will be emailing them to find out about distribution and maybe even retail in the US)
anybody game?
pondering the ability to stop and center.
analyze the human record of things.
...recalling one's miscalculations can prevent the same mistakes from reoccurring.
every action has an (not always) equal and opposite reaction
either way:
"Leisure is a form of Stillness that is the necessary preparation for accepting reality; only the person who is still can hear..." Josef Pierper
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