plastic soup

As many of you may have heard by now, the uninhabited parts of the Pacific Ocean have a new resident: floating islands of plastic.
For those who haven't yet heard, a brief (albeit non-scientific) explanation: The oceans' surface currents can often form a loose non-vacuous whirlpool. Specifically, in the Pacific, there is a very large section between North America and Japan that is drawing much of the worlds floating litter bits into it's center. 

If your not convinced yet, check out this article from The Independent
or just google "plastic soup" and see what you find...

Please pause for a moment of introspection : think about your last five days past, try and count on your fingers what plastic bits you may have discarded. How many times did you have to count your hand over?

Along comes british reporter Christine Jeavans. She has vowed to give up using any new plastic for the month of August. The video half way down is weirdly interesting, i would have embedded it but I'm not sure how...

you can check out her daily progress and revelations on her blog

if'n your in the neighborhood...

...come and watch The Super and shainfu throw beats at people

wake up america!

what happened to him? wait a minute...
totally worth the 6:22

"...when the moon is round and full, gonna teach you tricks that'll blow your mongrel mind..." : TV on the Radio

anyone for a broadway luncheon?

saw this with mi own eyes the other day. good thing to finally come about.
hopefully it will be infectious 

denim instead of pink stuff

heard about this awhile ago - but never followed up on it i looked
nice, no more gloves; masks

: intelligent production :

domestic aesthetic

I recently met the founder of this company and preceded directly to my 'puter to see what Domestic Aesthetic-ness was all about.
Product that holds ecological and societal interests paramount while maintaining affordable and attainable price points? In today's marketplace? Our society's future just gained another point of credibility.

. . . a source of inspiration to any aspiring catalyst. ~thanks~

how (i) met the walrus

who needs corn? ...hungry mouths...

So I cannot embed this video, but it illustrates, to near perfection, the ability to acquire a substantial amount of Biofuel from a small amount of algae. (thanks craig)

watch me please {there is sound}

Of course this is an informative sales video designed to sell this particular idea. (much like those one accidentally happens upon when applying for a ridiculously lucrative job he/she found in the newspaper)

But who cares? The main sources we use for biofuel are palm, soy and corn. the latter (2) of these plants perform horribly in the maintaining and replenishing the soil they grow in. In fact, there are increasing amounts of farmland becoming completely infertile due to poor rotation systems and pesticides.

I say, let them make some money, support them even. As it stands, there's not a lot of options open to us right now, and we're gobbling up our resources faster everyday.

The more crops we grow for fuel, the less we have to eat.

C'mon lets get with it shall we?

clive owen, no · important, yes